About Us
Hello and welcome to Earth Garden Farms!
Our micro farm rests outside of Porterville California in the Success Valley region of the Sierra Nevada foothills. Here our animals live outside under the sun, in the shade of blue oaks, and on carpet of native grasses and wildflowers. Our munching mowers target graze on pastures within a 1 mile radius of the farm that helps our community with weed abatement and fire mitigation. We raise heritage breeds of sheep and turkeys that grow slower but taste amazingly better, and are more adaptive to foraging for their own food. Our chickens are raised outside where they free range without space restriction. Their tractor is moved daily, shut nightly, and reopened at 7am. Both chickens and turkeys are able to roost at night so they can live their best birdy life.
Because we are also geographers, ('geo' meaning earth) we are committed to holistic management practices that sustains the earth, the animals, in turn you and me! We are committed to bringing you the highest quality meat, eggs, and wool our little slice of the globe can offer.

Follow us on our farm adventures towards soil regeneration and habitat restoration! We thank you for your support!

AndreaShe-Shepherd, Shearer Leads daily operations, dyes yarn, frolics with wool and feather folk, likes to clone trees |
JustinHay Muscle, Voice of Reason, Pollo Hermano Fearlessly stacks hay, fearfully watches animals multiply, loves turkeys more than making maps |